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Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

A dental film is taken to monitor the condition of the invisible intra-bony structures that contain the teeth and to determine the relationship of existing tooth/gum disorders with the roots and bone. This allows the diagnosis and early treatment of diseases that are present at the beginning or cannot be seen from the outside. Taking x-rays gives the most accurate results for tooth structure disorders in the mouth, if there is any inflammation, which tooth it originates from, fractures in the tooth roots, tumors and cysts.

The dose received from dental x-rays taken with modern dental radiology devices and methods is minimal. The radiation dose received from a single dental x-ray is even less than the radiation received from exposure to sunlight. There is no medical risk in taking 16 dental x-rays from the whole mouth at a time. On the contrary, the benefit obtained from x-ray in terms of diagnosis is much greater.e çekilen diş röntgeninden alınan doz minimal düzeydedir. Tek bir diş röntgen filminden alınan ışın dozu, güneş ışığına maruz kalındığında alınan radyasyondan bile daha azdır. Tek seferde tüm ağızdan 16 tane diş röntgeni alınmasında tıbbi açıdan herhangi bir sakınca yoktur. Aksine teşhis açısından röntgenden elde edilen fayda çok daha fazladır.

Pregnant women should avoid getting x-rays for dental problems. If necessary, it should be taken while wearing a lead apron.

If the x-rays you have are technically problematic or too old to reflect your current situation, they are not suitable for use during the examination. X-rays that are more than 6 months old should be replaced with a new one. However, it is useful to have old x-rays with you during the examination to compare the current situation with the previous situation. For this reason, old x-rays should not be thrown away and should be brought to the examination.

Dental tomography is a radiological diagnostic method that aims to create a cross-sectional image of the area to be examined using x-ray. With the tomography image, bone and soft tissue details that are not seen in normal x-rays can be seen. With the dental tomography device, many sections are taken from 3 planes. These sections are then re-sliced and restructured using advanced software to ensure that the targeted area can be viewed from any angle and from any direction.
Areas that cannot be visualized with other dental imaging methods are imaged with tomography. Imaging is performed with up to 90% less radiation compared to tomography devices used in medicine. Since X-rays are sent only to the targeted area, sensitive organs such as the thyroid gland and cataracts are protected from radiation. The image quality is very high. These sections, which provide high diagnostic detail and measurement accuracy, guide all kinds of treatments. Additionally, with this technique, the bone structure can be examined by creating a volumetric image of the skull.

Just because teeth are brushed regularly and do not hurt does not mean there is no problem. A detailed dental check-up is necessary at least every six months.

Can Changes in My Mouth Such as Bleeding, Odor, Numbness, and Burning Be Symptoms of Diseases in My Body?

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Your dentist will refer you to a maxillofacial surgeon when there are signs of impacted teeth, unsuccessful root canal treatment, TMJ problems, cysts and tumor-like lesions in the mouth. You can consult a maxillofacial surgeon if you have one or more of the following conditions:

Seen in the jaw-face area;
Severe or chronic pain
loss of function
Deformity or trauma

A dental implant is a small root-shaped holder made of titanium. It is placed inside the jawbone to replace the root of a extracted tooth. At the end of the healing process, after the implant fuses with the bone, the implant-supported prosthesis functions as a natural tooth. This new tooth looks and feels like a natural tooth.

If you have lost your teeth due to injury, decay or breakage and do not have a severe systemic disease (diabetes, osteoporosis, blood diseases, etc.), implant treatment is probably suitable for you. However, you must have sufficient bone in the jaw areas where the implant will be placed. Your doctor will decide whether the implant is the right treatment option for you after clinical and radiological examinations.

ömülü dişler şu durumlarda çekilmelidir:
İlgili dişten kaynaklı apselerde
Kist veya tümörle beraber olduğunda
Ağrı varsa
Çeneyi zayıflatıp kırık oluşturma riski varsa
Komşu dişte çürük oluşturma riski varsa

The tampon placed on the extraction site should be kept in place for at least 30 minutes.
You should not eat or drink anything for at least two hours.
Chewing should not be done on the extracted jaw area for 24 hours.
No smoking for 24 hours
Alcohol should not be used for 24 hours
The mouth should not be rinsed with water
The extraction site should not be sucked or spit out.
The extraction area should not be touched with the tongue or hand.
If there is pain, a painkiller other than aspirin should be used.

It is an infection that occurs at the extraction site in the bone after tooth extraction. There is severe pain and it is not relieved by painkillers. To avoid this situation, be sure to follow the post-operative recommendations. If you encounter such a situation, please contact our clinic as soon as possible.

Orthognathic surgery is performed when there is incompatibility between the jaws and/or when the bite of the teeth cannot be corrected orthodontically. Please review the Orthognathic Surgery title in the Patient Information section.

Various types of anesthesia can be applied depending on the physician's decision. The first of these is local anesthesia, it numbs the relevant area. The second is sedation, you become partially conscious. Third, it is general anesthesia, your consciousness is completely lost for a temporary period and you do not remember the operation.

You should not eat or drink anything for 8 hours before sedation or general anesthesia. If you have eaten or drank anything, your transaction will be cancelled. Come with a full stomach for the procedures to be performed under local anesthesia.

After the procedures with sedation and general anesthesia, an adult will be asked to accompany you. However, there is no harm in driving after local anesthesia.

Changes in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) or adjacent structures and some systemic diseases can cause TMJ problems. Sometimes disorders related to chewing muscles can also cause pain and loss of function.

In cases of cleft lip, surgery can be performed when the baby is 10 weeks old, if the condition is suitable. In case of cleft palate, if only the soft palate is affected, surgery can be performed before 18 months. 18-24 if it involves the hard palate. Surgery can be performed within months.

Incisor teeth and, in rare cases, inflammatory formations at the root end of premolar teeth can be removed along with the 1/3 end part of the root. Thus, the patient's tooth can be left without being extracted.

First of all, you need to come to our clinic, have a clinical examination, and if necessary, consult with doctors from other branches.

An abscess is a clinically painful swelling. The center of an acute abscess is hard and painful, and there is edema around it. There is an increase in temperature in the relevant region. If the abscess is mature, it will feel filled with fluid when checked with a finger. Chronic abscesses develop more slowly than acute ones, and edema is usually not observed. The swelling is firmer and the pain is less. Under antibiotic treatment, the causative tooth must be surgically extracted and the abscess must be drained.

An abscessed tooth should be extracted as soon as possible under antibiotic treatment.

Jaw fractures can be treated in two ways:

Non-surgical method: The lower and upper jaws are brought together and fixed with wires and elastics.

Surgical method: The solid bone on both sides of the fracture line is attached to each other with the help of plates and screws.

This gap should be closed as soon as possible. In poorly closed or overlooked openings, the food the patient eats and drinks may come out of the nose, there is difficulty in smoking, and the cheek cannot be inflated. Patients with such complaints should immediately apply to the maxillofacial surgery clinic.

The reason is not exactly known. It is a condition that affects one or all of the three branches of the trigeminus nerve and causes severe pain in the facial area where those branches are distributed. Touching the affected facial area, shaving, talking, and sometimes even eating may trigger pain attacks. The pain begins suddenly, like lightning, and stops suddenly. Medication, injection or surgical treatment may be applied.

Restorative Dentistry

Personally, whether the bristles of the brush are rounded, whether the raw materials it is made from and the paints used are suitable for health, whether they comply with TSE standards or not; Care should be taken to purchase a properly shaped brush according to the structure of the mouth, the health of the gums and dexterity.

Toothbrush types according to bristle hardness; It is diversified as Hard, Medium Hard and Soft. These brushes are also available in manual or electric versions.

After each use, the brush should be shaken thoroughly with water so that no paste remains at the base of the bristles, and should be stored in a way that it does not become dusty.

Dentists recommend that your brush be changed at least every three months. As the bristles become worn, their plaque removal effectiveness gradually decreases. Therefore, the toothbrush needs to be changed regularly. How you brush also directly affects the replacement time. For example; If all the hairs have become flat after 1 week, it means that the brushing is being done too harshly. If the hairs are still straight after 6 months, it means that they are either brushed very lightly or they are not brushed every day. The bristle tips of an ideal toothbrush should be rounded to avoid damaging the gums. The structure of the toothbrush should be able to reach all teeth and all surfaces. It should not be forgotten that each toothbrush is for one person!


The most important thing we should do when brushing our teeth is to brush all surfaces in the most effective and correct way. For this; It is necessary to thoroughly brush the front and back of the teeth in the lower jaw and upper jaw, as well as the chewing surfaces of the teeth in the back, and between all the teeth. While brushing; When brushing external surfaces, the toothbrush should be held so that half of the bristles are on the surface of the tooth and the other half on the gum. After that; Without moving the brush, a 45 degree inclination should be made upwards on the upper jaw and downwards on the lower jaw. Again, without moving the brush, the side surfaces should be brushed 8-10 times with small circular movements, and the chewing surfaces should be brushed with front and back movements. When these procedures are completed, the mouth should be rinsed with plenty of water. During brushing, do not apply too much force and cause the brush to damage the gums. A healthy mouth is achieved by having healthy gums. Gums that bleed while brushing are a sign of gum disease.

Toothpaste should not be squeezed to cover the brush head from one end to the other. This much paste will come off and be wasted while brushing. It is sufficient to squeeze paste into the middle of the brush bristles, half the length of the brush bristles.

Least; It should be brushed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. In fact, brushing after every meal is appropriate. If this opportunity cannot be provided, the mouth should be rinsed with plenty of water after eating. Brushing should definitely be done at night before going to bed. A mouth containing food residues paves the way for the formation of bacterial plaque.

If the bristles of the toothbrush are soft and brushing is done correctly, it will not damage the teeth. However, improper brushing with a brush that is too hard and has bristles that are deformed and not well rounded will cause tooth enamel to wear away.

In cases where there is no paste, brushing your teeth with just water may be sufficient. However, it is necessary to brush with toothpaste at least twice a day.

Teeth that are not brushed harm themselves and their surroundings, primarily through unpleasant bad breath. Since there is no brushing, food residues accumulate between the teeth and at the tooth-gum junction, causing bacterial plaque to form in these areas. Bacterial plaque that accumulates over time paves the way for gingivitis and further gingival recession. Even healthy teeth can be lost for this reason. Bacteria accumulated between teeth cause tooth decay. If the teeth are not brushed for a while, gum bleeding occurs during the first brushing. This bleeding can be corrected with regular and continuous oral care.

Genellikle şekerli ve asitli yiyecekler diş sağlığını olumsuz etkiler. Ancak bu tür gıdalar tüketildikten sonra, ağız bolca su ile çalkalanırsa bakteri üretimi geciktirilebilir. Özellikle biskuvi, çikolata vb. yapışkan yiyecekler yedikten sonra ağız iyice çalkalanmalı, eğer olanak varsa fırçalanmalıdır.

Oral health can be maintained with regular oral care. A suitable toothbrush and toothpaste for your oral structure, the correct brushing method, changing the toothbrush at regular intervals, cleaning the interfaces using dental floss along with the toothbrush, and even if there is no problem, going to the Dentist for a check-up every six months will help protect your oral health. It will be enough.

The main cause of tooth decay is; It is “Microbial Dental Plaque”. Record; Millions of microbes accumulate on all surfaces of the teeth and at the tooth-gum junction as a result of not cleaning the mouth. If this plaque is not cleaned, the harmful substances produced by microbes cause tooth decay and gum diseases. Plaque does not come off as a result of mouth rinsing or rubbing with fingers. To remove this, a toothbrush should definitely be used.

Prosthodontic Treatment

All artificial formations that replace any lost part of the body are called prostheses. In dentistry; Artificial formations applied to regain the missing and lost function, aesthetics, comfort and health of the missing parts of the teeth or one or more missing teeth and related tissues by using suitable artificial materials are called dental prosthesis.

Protez uzmanlığı, fasial ve oral protezleri kullanarak, hastalığın veya yaralanmanın sonucunda oluşan görünüm, konuşma ve fonksiyonel problemleri düzelten veya rehabilite eden dental uzmanlık alanıdır.

There are various hypotheses regarding the causes and mechanism of teeth grinding. However, based on these hypotheses, a complete and definitive treatment for teeth grinding has still not been found. Therefore, the aim of dentists is to prevent permanent damage to the teeth and jaw joint and to eliminate pain. For this purpose, personalized occlusal splints are the most important tool used in the symptomatic treatment of teeth clenching.


Periodontal disease is an infection of the soft and hard tissues that support the teeth. This situation occurs because the sticky film layer consisting of bacteria, which we call "plaque", settles on the tooth and turns into tartar. In the early stages, inflammation of the gums is observed; Bleeding may occur while brushing or flossing. This stage is called “gingivitis”. Gingivitis can be reversed with treatment from a dentist and good oral hygiene. If gingivitis is not treated, the disease progresses to "periodontitis", where plaque and tartar settle under the gums. Inflammation and irritation of the gums occur with inflamed gum pockets (increased space between the teeth and gums). As periodontitis progresses, the pockets deepen and the bone supporting the teeth is lost. If left untreated; In this situation, the tooth may eventually be lost.

The main symptoms of periodontal disease.

Bleeding from the gums while brushing and/or eating

Loose teeth in later stages

The visible length of the teeth increases with the recession of the gums.

If, at your regular checkup, you have witnessed your dentist calling out numbers and noting them on the dental template, this indicates that you have experience with pocket measurement. As part of the routine check-up, the dentist completes the periodontal examination by performing pocket measurements and checking for bleeding. For the dentist, bleeding and the presence of pockets of 4 mm or more are ways to identify gingivitis and periodontitis.

Your general dentist can treat your periodontal disease or refer you to a periodontologist. Periodontologist; He is a dentist who specializes in the treatment and care of the gums and bone surrounding the teeth and has received extra training for this.

For treatment, your dentist or periodontologist may recommend a non-surgical procedure called “eliminating the debris on the root surface and cleaning the infected and necrotic root surface”, also known as “deep cleaning”. If non-surgical treatment is not effective and the severity of bone loss is high; Periodontal surgery may be recommended. This treatment involves surgically opening the gum tissue and then stitching it to remove tartar, plaque, bacteria, and diseased tissue under the gum. If periodontal disease is under control; Your physician surgically places bone material between the gums affected by periodontal disease and the bone and gum tissue. This bone material allows the development of new bone and connective tissue.

Your dentist or periodontologist will prescribe a treatment plan to prevent periodontal disease from recurring. This is known as the “maintenance phase”. As part of your maintenance phase; You will make frequent visits to your dentist, so your dentist or periodontologist will be able to prevent the formation of new tartar and plaque, which can cause a new disease. Your dentist will also give you home care recommendations, such as mouthwash solutions and special toothbrushes, to help you protect your oral and dental health. The maintenance phase is the most important part in preventing the recurrence of periodontal disease.u “idame fazı“ olarak bilinmektedir. İdame fazınızın bir parçası olarak; diş hekiminize sık ziyaretler yapacaksınız ve böylece diş hekiminiz ya da periodontoloğunuz yeni bir hastalığın oluşmasına sebep olabilecek yeni tartar ve plak oluşumunu önleyebilecektir. Diş hekiminiz size ayrıca ağız- diş sağlığınızı korumanıza yardımcı olmak için ağız çalkalama solüsyonları, özel diş fırçaları gibi ev bakım önerilerinde bulunacaktır. İdame fazı, periodontal hastalığın tekrar oluşmasının önlenmesinde en önemli bölümü oluşturmaktadır.

Yes, bacteria in the mouth are known to cause “endocarditis,” inflammation of the heart valves, and is associated with complicated medical procedures such as organ transplants. Its effect on other diseases is unclear. Studies have shown an association between periodontal disease and the following conditions:

Increased risk of heart attack
Increased risk of premature birth and low birth weight
Difficulty in controlling blood glucose values in individuals with diabetes
Meanwhile, it is a fact that controlling periodontal disease protects the teeth – a good reason to take care of gums and teeth.


Yes it can be done. It is commonly known that orthodontics is only applied to children. However, tooth replacement is possible at any age. So, if you want, while your 8-year-old child's still teeth are treated, the gaps between your teeth can be closed with orthodontic treatment. There is no upper age limit for orthodontic treatment. It can be applied to individuals in need at any age. Just as there are tooth-colored braces for adults, it is also possible to hide your treatment by gluing the brackets on the tongue side.

Depending on the condition of the case and the age of the patient, it may vary between 6 months and 36 months.

If habits such as thumb sucking, pacifier use, bottle use, nail biting, etc., which we call bad habits, still continue when the child is 3.5-4 years old, they should be stopped. If it continues, the effects of these habits become permanent and the child will need serious and long-term orthodontic treatment. Thumb sucking is the most difficult of these habits to quit. When you diagnose thumb sucking in your child, it would be beneficial to see an orthodontist.

It is important for the success of the treatment that the wires (brackets) attached to your teeth remain on the surface of the teeth without breaking. For this reason, care should be taken with the foods eaten. During your treatment, you should avoid the following foods (or eat them by cutting them into small pieces): hard foods, nuts, hard candies, fruits such as apples, plums, quinces, foods that are difficult to clean, such as chips, gum, Turkish delight, which may stick to your teeth and brackets, acidic drinks such as cola, etc.

In the first days of wearing braces, there may be slight irritation on the inner surfaces of the cheeks and lips and pain in the teeth when chewing. Regardless of the degree of your complaints, you will not feel like you have a wire in your mouth within 10 days at most.

After your teeth are straightened, your braces will be removed from the tooth surfaces. After this process, reinforcement devices will be applied to you to maintain the current situation. If these devices are not used for the recommended periods and if you are not checked for a long time, there is a possibility that your teeth will deteriorate again.

Irregularities in your teeth will become more severe as you get older. In other words, the appearance of your teeth will become more disturbing to you in the long run. If your teeth do not close properly, it can cause more pressure than normal on your jaw joints and may lead to problems such as mouth opening and closing restrictions and jaw locking in the long term. Since the gaps and some surfaces of your teeth will be more difficult to clean due to the irregularity of your teeth, the formation of caries will be more common than in an individual with a regular row of teeth.

Our patients often consult a specialist in cases of severe crowding where their canine teeth remain elevated. Unless there is a remarkable situation at that level, orthodontic problems are noticed at a later age and patients give up orthodontic treatment by saying "I cannot receive treatment at this age" and either choose to stay that way or have to have their healthy teeth cut and have prosthetics.

The uneven surfaces of the wires placed on the teeth are very suitable areas for food accumulation. If your teeth are not brushed correctly, your teeth may decay after orthodontic treatment.

Some teeth had to be extracted for treatment purposes. Is there any harm in losing teeth?


Usually this is caused by deep caries. Bacteria in deep caries cause inflammation of the vascular nerve bundle of the tooth, and this vascular nerve bundle must be removed with root canal treatment.

In the endodontics clinic, treatment of pain originating from the pulp and tissues surrounding the root, vital pulp treatments such as pulp capping and amputation, surgical removal of pathological tissues originating from the root-pulp, replacement of displaced teeth, bleaching of colored tooth enamel and dentin tissues, and coronal restorations involving the root canal space are performed. Treatment procedures such as associated post-core restorations are performed.

Following root canal treatment, especially after treatment of living teeth, the relevant tooth may experience bearable pain for a few days or pain when pressed on the tooth. This is a normal pain that occurs after root canal treatment. It disappears in a short time with some protection of the root canal treated tooth.

Nowadays, the success rate of root canal treatments with the correct treatment method reaches 90%.

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